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Laser, Autologous, and Exosome Treatments

Male Pattern Balding Black Male Before Treatment
Male Pattern Balding Black Male After Treatment

After One Treatment of Hairlase and Autologous Injections

Exosome Treatment

Hair loss is a natural part of aging. Over time, hair follicles lose the ability to produce melanin and enough keratin to sustain thick and continuous hair growth. For men, hair loss is further exacerbated by testosterone.

There are several ways to treat hair loss, including hair serums, which contain local testosterone-blockers, autologous injections, and lasers. All of these treatments have proven to be effective for restoring hair, especially if done multiple times.

More recently, however, the latest cutting-edge research has shown that exosomes may be the future for hair regeneration. Exosomes are extracellular vesicles packed with thousands of different signaling factors, all of which facilitate healing, regeneration, and cellular growth and communication. In fact, the sheer quantity of growth factors present in exosomes is several magnitudes higher than that of autologous injections. To obtain the exosomes, human amniotic cells are harvested and extracted in a special process that isolates these signaling factors - billions of exosomes can be concentrated into one vial! Upon injection, the exosomes activate hundreds of dormant hair follicles through gene and protein regulation to start producing hair again over time.

The results of this treatment may take several months to start appearing, at which point we can determine if the dose that was previously administered was right for you. We can also perform the other treatments listed above as adjuvant treatments to synergistically optimize the effect of the exosomes.

"Hair Prayer" Procedure

This non-surgical procedure involves PRP, Microneedling, Exosome Injections, Capili, and Morpheous Lasers
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Autologous Injections – Hair Restoration in Los Angeles

Plasma is a product of your own blood that is extracted through a very careful process that involves centrifuging whole blood to separate and concentrate the most useful growth factors and to use them to our advantage. When prepared and concentrated at our office, we find that this substance is an effective vehicle with which we deliver many other vital components into the treatment area. One very common area where it is utilized, is for hair restoration. We have been using this product as an injectable with a special combination of growth factors, exogenous and endogenous stem cells to increase the density and thickness of the hairs in many women and men who are at their wits end when it comes to hair loss, but are not yet ready for a hair transplant. Furthermore, many patients choose to have our treatments to help maintain any hair loss surgery they have had. Read more about hair loss HERE
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